13 September 2007

Mr Bombastic

Introduce Mr Bombastic...isn't he kind of cool? Sent to me by Frog Prince...thanks Froggie. I was told his afro can keep bags and bags of peanuts...my favourite. Alas, that's not an orang utan but a monkey...snow monkey, I think...I'm not too close to the monkey clans.
I hope everyone remembers...orang utans are not monkeys...orang utans belong to the Great Apes...like gorillas and chimpanzees :p


The Frog Prince said...

Think froggy got one more.. need to search.. and if dont have.. will send and email to an england friend... he sure got that pic :P

kekeke.. just stay tune.

Anonymous said...

Monkey go drink water in froggy's pond? :P