02 May 2009


Updated on 9 May 2009

Ape is really a peace loving person. For that matter, ape is always a firm believer of listening first, decide later, action latest. In order to be able to listen first, one has to be open minded, non-judgemental and empathetic. That is the exact reason why ape supported the original AWARE. The ousted new-EXCO headed by Josie Lau did the reverse of what ape believes in - that is action first (by taking over the EXCO) and listen last. Thus, ape can never support or condone them.


little_gecko said...

Little gecko agrees wid ape too. Listen first den decide thereafter. Was ape and family down at Hong Lim today for da pink dot event?? Kekekeke....

Ape said...

yes yes... ape was there, with wifey and daughter. Will put the pictures here as soon as ape has processed them :)