22 October 2007

Introduction - Evolution of Kin Jio Leaf

It's time for evolution. If you notice, the Singapore Short Stories series has stopped. Until I get more creative again, I guess know it's time to move on and evolve The Kin Jio Leaf.

Like I mentioned earlier (here) I will move on to talk more about growing up in this tiny red dot call Singapore. If you are looking for a very critical and acute analysis, well, sorry to disappoint you. I'm a simple person talking about mundane affairs and most often, issues where the gahmen will have very little interest.


The Frog Prince said...

Like what thing the gaaaahhhmen got no interest on? KJL wrapping peanuts? Or Mr Ape eating bananas?

Ape said...

ya...something like tat :p but I seriously I can keep my bloody mouth shut for long... let you know a little secret. In my primary school report card, I got the comment "Good work but always like to talk" for every single year :p

little gecko said...

Oooo, so da great ape has no lack of opinions in any topic since his youth ah?? Muz be an A grade GP student back den... kekekeke ;p

Ape said...

Another secret for you... I've never taken GP :p

Anyway, I'll tell you more about myself when I start ranting stories about myself... (notice the numbers of "I", "me" and "myself"...yes, I think I'm a self-centred person :p

Unknown said...

Thats why the big gorilla always beat his own chest and not others... *roll eyes*
Mr K joined any debates back in those days? kekekeke. Such a waste if you didn't!

Ape said...

I regret to inform you that I have never joined any debate team... the reasons were obvious. I was very vocal in primary school and that caused much distress on my teachers. Do you think they would allow a "rebel" to join any debating team? :p

In secondary school, I mellowed alot! Or should I say I became apathetic. No one would notice an apathetic person and certainly not nominate him into any debate team.

Anonymous said...

Hey! Let's go on with the Growing Up action. Maybe Mediacorp will make a series out of it!!! :P

Ape said...

ras ras, be patient. Good things come to those who wait :p

You will get to read my story, you will :)